Shepherd of my Heart

Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A heavenly voice...

Ch 22171 professor showed us this video today (to demonstrate the impact of words in an advertisement), it was awesome!! The little boy was only 10 years old when he sang this song: Tell me why. I was dumbstruck at his heavenly voice and I was actually saying to God, "God, what a heavenly voice he has!!! If he is a Christian, I think he will serve you by singing non stop."

When I went to search for this video clip, I also found out that this boy sang many songs of praise as well, most probably he is a Christian. I finally understood what Christian (my friend) meant by anointing when singing or doing things. This little boy was definitely blessed and anointed by God with such a powerful and touching heavenly voice (HAHA, I was wondering if he will take over the worshipper angel position, just kidding lah:P), together with such an "impactful" lyrics, it left everyone in the Lecture room stunned. Even professor was prasing the little boy non-stop. Here, is the link to the song: Tell me why. I also paste one of the songs of praise.

Tell me why-----

Amazing Grace-----

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Whatever You Like Remix

Learnt a new dance today using Nicole Scherzinger new song--Whatever you like. HAHA. The video was sexy and hot. But the dance that I learnt is so hippy n hoppy n jumpy. I'm like a bungee bunny doing all the bungee jumping n the bungee sliding. I seriously look like a small innocent bungee bumpy bunny. Anyone got a carrot for me?.....

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Chewing Gum Advertisement

THis was another one of the advertisments we saw in SA 1101 E lectures. HAHA, I love this!! it's cool, innovative n fexible

Camlin Marker Funny Indian Commercial Advertisement

THis advertisment are simply great and funny!!! HAHA, Professor showed it to us during our SA 1101 E lecture,n the whole lecture was filled with laughter---the indians r smart!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

You want doughnut???

Had CH2271 tutorial today, after that went for tution. Ate 2 pieces of doughnut, it was nice, but too sweet for me lah. Anyway, tht was my lunch!!! When it was time for the 2nd korean kid's (name is min ji) tution, min ji asked me "You want doughnut ornot?" I was quite shocked lah but replied "ok, thanks." Later she told me, "I told mum that maybe you haven't eat your lunch and later your stomach growl." HAHAHA, funny lah, but I was quite touched at her offer lah. Well, the previous time i growled was because I was too hungry, tuiton from morny 9am all the way to 2pm without eating anything, of cos hungry lah. Anyway, I have been torturing the both korean siblings by giving them quiz 4 times a week!!! HAHA, too bad!! cos I need to push them beyond their limits, and make sure they speak, listen and write better than they were b4 that.

A touching love story that last for eternity....

山无棱,天地合,才敢与君绝---this is the verse that we will be hearing when we are watching 琼瑶's drama, eg 环珠格各。 The loving scene between the famale and male leads was just so touching that it will immediately bring tears to one's eyes. But, today I have just read a story from my daily bread again. A love that never fades, that never forsakes, that never grugdes, that never hates, a love that is so true, and awaiting so many of us, is just right at our doorstep. Perhaps, many of you may lament that there is no such thing as the love that I have just mentioned above. But, it does and truly exist!!! I refering to both God's love for us as well as the love between a couple. In this case, I tried to change the original verison of the chinese poetry verse, don't laugh ok-----即使是山无棱,天地合,绝不与君绝!!!Here's the story..... from

He Died For Me!
If He is the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him. —Matthew 27:42
William and Mary Tanner were crossing the railroad tracks when it happened. Mary's foot slipped and wedged itself between the rail and the wooden crosswalk. She tried frantically to pull her foot free as the sound of an approaching train was heard. There were but seconds left as the express came rushing toward her around a curve. Will Tanner pulled on her foot, desperately trying to free her.

As the train came closer and its whistle screamed and brakes shrieked, Will held her in his arms. While people shuddered in horror, the train thundered over them. One witness said that just before the engine hit them, he heard the brave man cry, "I'll stay with you, Mary!" That is great love!

This story reminds me of our Savior, who loved us with a love that can save us (John 3:16). Death came hurtling at Him as He hung on a cross and took the full penalty we deserved. He heard people cry out to Him to save Himself and come down from the cross (Matthew 27:40). But to save others He chose not to save Himself (v.42).

With divine, sacrificial love, Jesus refused to spare His own life. He died so that He could provide forgiveness of sins for us. Our Savior stayed on the cross—for you and for me! —Mart De HaanMart De Haan-->
Oh, can it be, upon a treeThe Savior died for me?My soul is thrilled, my heart is filled,To think He died for me! —Newton

Oh, can it be, upon a tree
The Savior died for me?
My soul is thrilled, my heart is filled,
To think He died for me! —Newton

Nails could not have kept Jesus on the cross if His love for us had not held Him there.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The price of not listenting to God's command :(

Sad sad sad. I have been skipping my dance lessons for 3 weeks lah. THe 1st and the 3rd time (which is today) were because I am super tired and lazy and I need to do my hw. The 2nd time was because of the wisdom tooth operation I had, so dentist advised me not to engaged in vigorous activites. Actually for the 1st and 3rd time, I did asked God if I should go, He said GO!!!. But hor, I was just too lazy and tired lah. I called the ppl over there and asked if they actually take into account my absence, they said yes and no replacement!! They said unless got an mc to prove lah, so I will go and get the mc 2molo, my dad said he will call the dentist and ask. I'm so sian now lor!! :((((( Anyway, I prayed liao, God said not to worry about it and also about the $ that had been wasted. Haiz, actually since the wisdom tooth operation, I can't really exert so much strenght even until now!!! My gum still hurts and it's super suan when I'm using force. Even when I just lift up my head from the bed, my gum hurts!!! ouch!!!

B4 that, I was laughing at my other Christian friend, whose name is also called Christian. He also ignored God's warning once. Christian wanted to go to this particular place to eat his breakfast, but the Holy Spirit was telling him to go elsewhere instead. Well, Christian did not heed the advice lah, so when he reached the place, it was closed!!! Thus, he wasted his time travelling there. Haiz, you see, we Chinese got one saying--don't laugh at others for the same thing will happen to you also!!! Sian, now come true liao lor.

Ok lah, next time must listen to God and not 一意孤行。一意孤行的结果是受到不必要的伤害或损失。So must be a 乖宝宝。 And now I also understand why God makes sure that all of us have parents, because they will be there for us no matter what happens and will fogive us no matter what happens. Parents are really a reflection of God relentless love and care for us--God says I will never leave you nor abandon you, I am always with you. I will be your Father and you will be my child (same for parents too). 血浓于水就是这个意思。My dad said he will settle the mc thing for me, haha. It is really a blessing to have our parents lah, as compared to oprhans, 我们实在是太幸福了. Daddy God, I thank you for blessing me with such wonderful and goody goody parents in Jesus name, Amen. :P

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Comments for chinese blog assignment

Just received the comments from my professor regarding my chinese blog assignment!!!
Again, thank you Daddy God for helping me out. Glory Be to God, Amen. (God told me not to worry about this assignment too!!!)
And of cos, my honey, my xin xin, ty's bro for checking and giving me their valuable comments :)))))))))). btw, xin xin, cher also said my essay is smooth flowing lor!!!!!-----cher said 有条有理 lor

The comments are as below: 我一字不漏地把老师的评语写下来 :p




The runaway bunny who couldn't really escape

I just read this story from my daily bread and found it so funny but true. I will just copy n paste it here lah. Don't say I plargised, ok. I got put down the link lor..... HEHE

The link is ---- if anyone of you have the time, can go n read, the stories are very encouraging and funny and true. God spoke to me many times from this cute stories.HEHE :P

The Runaway Bunny
Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? —Psalm 139:7

Margaret Wise Brown is known for her simple yet profound books for children. One of my favorites is The Runaway Bunny. It's about a little bunny who tells his mother he has decided to run away.

"If you run away," says his mother, "I will run after you. For you are my little bunny." She goes on to tell him that if he becomes a fish in a trout stream, she will become a fisherman and fish for him. If he becomes a little boy, she will become a human mother and catch him in her arms and hug him. No matter what the little rabbit does, his doggedly persistent, ever-pursuing mother will not give up or go away.

"Shucks," says the bunny at last, "I might as well stay where I am and be your little bunny." "Have a carrot," his mother then says.

This story reminds me of David's words in Psalm 139:7-10, "Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me."

Let's be thankful that God is relentless in His love for us—ever-pursuing, ever-present, and ever-guiding. —David H. RoperDavid H. Roper-->

How can the truth of God's presence be a comfort in our trials?
How can it help us to avoid and overcome sin in our lives?

No matter where you go, God goes with you.

Child-like faith

I saw a super cute Chinese boy on 302 today!!! He was sitting in front of me lah, felt like pinching his cheeks!!so red n cute!! But that's not my main point for this article lah.

The little boy was saying "I'm sorry, mummy." Then both the mummy and him was talking so softly which I couldn't hear, but the mummy sort of forgave him lah. What the little boy said caught my attention cos it effectively demonstrated the relationship between us and God, we as the children, God as Daddy or "Mummy". I have also come to realise that no matter how many times we sin, or disappoint our parents, they will still forgives us because they love us too much and so will definitely forgive us. So likewise it is for our Heavenly Father, who is so willing to forgive us as long as we say "sorry". So, guys, whatever you have sin or done wrong, don't worry cos our Daddy God will forgives us and help us to overcome whatever trials we faced.

There's also another lesson I have learnt from this boy today. God was teaching me to be forgiving and loving and to have a child-like faith. I was actually quite mad at my sis for something that she had done (I will not discuss the details beacuse it's private affairs lah, I did prayed, God only said "Don't worry". So I will just sit back and wait for God miracles again lah). Anyway, God was trying to tell me that no matter what, I cannot "abandon" my sis, instead, shower her with love and care just like how God shower His unfailing love towards me. (Not to say I don't love my sis lah, but I'm always very strict and fierce towards my family members cos I have too high expectations for them liao, so when they did not meet my targeted expectations, I will go bonkers!!!) So I will have to change my straight forward attitude towards erm--abit slow and roundabout manner. HEHE (I tend to do things super fast!!! :P)

Oh, I have finally come to fully understand why does God always emphaise that we must have child-like faith in order to experience a new creation is us. It is because a child is the most purest among we human beings, and they tend to submit to authority without doubts. This is what God wants--submission to Him willingly and fully and without any doubts. For it is written, how great the miracles we expect God to perform, depend on how much faith we have in Him. If we have faith but doubt God, nothing is gonna work. So we have to be like little pure kids--I must really really praise our Chinese ancestors now!!! they invented so many chim and profound words (that are always super short) to describe one or many long sentences or words---赤子之心 is very important for the successful establishment relationship between us and God.

I will be posting part of a Christian song here, this is taken from my4 yr old pretty mixed blood niece who is attending a christian kindergarden school.
Background: Her whole family is not christian lah, (I also don't know why my cousin actually send her to a christian school) and my cousin told me my niece was filled with enthusiam when the whole school was doing praise and worship (children way lah). Btw, my niece emerged as the number one in reciting bible verses and everything that got to do with God lah. HAHAHA but Praise God. And my cousin was afraid she might convert, so she constantly bring my niece to Bangkok to pray to their own "God". Well, I asked my niece if she knows the difference between the Chirstian God and the "God" her family was currently praying to. She said she knows. When I was explaining about God to the rest of my elders, she was also paying close attention to whatever I'm saying. My cousin said she doesn't want my neice to be like me. I laughed and replied in a joking manner "If God wants her, that's really nothing you can do to stop God from taking her". I believe that God perhaps may have other plans for my cutie little niece lah, so we shall see what's the outcome lor.

the songs are:

God makes my eyes and God makes my nose, God makes my lips and God makes my hips (and the children were expected to shake their hips,HAHA). God makes my hands and GOd makes my toes (the children are expected to raise their feet and show their toes).......

Jesus loves me and I love Him!!!

I forgot the rest lah cos it's not easy to fully understand what kids are saying sometimes, you get what I mean??


WAH!!! I was so scared just now!!! I was trying ways and means to remove the ugly tagbox from my blog, but somehow, i ended up deleted everything and my blog was a blank piece of paper just now!!! And my Chinese blog assignment was due today!!! Althoug I uploaded it yesterday night, but still, I am scared that cher might not see it yesterday, so I sent her an email just now. But thank God, everything back to normal within 10 mins. I was praying lah, and I tried calling zx for help, but she did not answer. Haiz, really thank God for saving me in the nick of time lah (no wonder God always says HE never fails us, even when others fail us, He will not), I just anyhow pressed here n there, click here n there, n tada!!! my blog is back to normal condition. whew!

Friday, October 12, 2007



或许,因为我们已经习惯了西方的文化,所以我们的言行举止都是以西方为榜样。无论是在生活上,饮食习惯,住宅的建设等,几乎都是“MADE IN WESTERN”。甚至很多青少年已彻底的被西方化了,导致他们无法摆脱他们西方的生活方式与文化观念。与此同时,为了不想被西方社会淘汰,青少年只好加快脚步紧追西方潮流的步伐。这种现象是每一个国家都在面临的问题,也是许多政府,特别是东南亚政府,正在想办法对付的问题。

尤其在本国,西方文化的“后遗症”更是明显。我一向都不赞同一些朋友排斥中华文化。他们以英语说:“华语并不重要,文化更不用提了,反正西方始终是领导者”。他们一心崇洋的态度令我感到愤怒,顿时间想替中华文化和语文打抱不平。难道他们不觉得惭愧吗?不觉得羞耻吗?身为华人的我都觉得惭愧极了。对于他们这样的态度,我只能用“数典忘祖”,“可怜兮兮” 来形容这些朋友与其他人。

很多媒体华文工作者已经非常努力的在提倡中华文化了。例如,由李安导演拍摄的《色诫》,王立宏的《盖世英雄》专辑,Koei Company, Limited (日本电子游戏生产商) 推出的《三国演义》电子游戏等等, 里面都隐含了丰富的中华文化意义。可惜,大多数的人只为了看电影而看, 听偶像的歌而听,玩游戏而玩游戏,不只忽略了也无法意识到其中的讯息,真是枉费了这些工作者的一番苦心。虽然媒体是传播中华文化精华的重要桥梁之一,可是它所能做的,是非常有限的。只要人们一天没改变他们对中华文化的态度,或是得不到良好的学习,无论媒体的各个工作人员在怎么努力,也是无济于事的。


现在,来谈谈本国的华语水准。新加坡虽是于四大语言为国语,但是很多青少年,尤其是华人青少年,对自己的母语完全不认识。就如我几位华人朋友,只会写自己的中文名字,但对其余的中华文字却是一窍不通。再加上,本国的华语教材经过了教育部几次的大修改后,本国青少年的华语水准不但没有提高,反倒是逐渐下降。虽然已开了Syllabus B 的华语课程,可是还是有一部分的学生仍旧是不及格的。除此之外,教育部也准许那些对华语没兴趣的华人学生可以不用选修华语科目。这样的新策略实在是令我感到非常的失望,因为本国的华语水准很明显的“衰退”了。本国的华语水准竟然还没完全提高,更不用说是本国的华人对基本中华文化的认识了。本国的教育制度能顺利的培育出许多英才优秀生,可是华才优秀生却是寥寥无几。即使能培育出有优秀的华才生,但又有几个能通晓中华文化的精华呢?掌握好语言,并非意味着掌握好文化知识。

以上这一点对本国想要和正在崛起的中国建立良好的生意关系在很大的程度上呈现了一个非常大的障碍。新加坡商人在中国做亏本生意的例子是一个非常鲜明又真实的现象。自己的华语程度比不上中国人,再加上本身又不理解当地的历史文化,这简直是将自己陷在陷阱里,自挖坟墓。中国人一向最讲究的是传统历史文化,它们至今仍以自己五千年的历史文化感到自豪。可偏偏,本国的华人确不把它当一回事,结果搞得自己生意做不成,还欠下了一屁股债。就以苏州工业园这个计划来说,新加坡政府投资失败,最终还是因为不太了解中国的文化,而遭受残忍的淘汰。 我想利用这个例子向大家说明一件实事,单会说和写华语是不够的(这些对本身在本国或者和其他华人交谈时有帮助),我们还需要了解中华文化的精要,这样才能够在中国生意的道路上走得更远,更踏实。不仅仅是生意上,在和非华人交谈时,解释我们的中华文化与历史,这些宝贵的知识确实对我们是非常有用的。


Thursday, October 4, 2007


I'm still searching for something relevant, yet simplistic an original material for my Chinese blog assignment lah. Headache lor, cos find here and there like nothing useful enough. And the assignment is due next friday!!!! "-_-"

Who got any better idea or things can tell me wat to write, ok? It can be either compliants or things that are worth discussing. Actually I have thought of a few lah, like the students behaviour nowadays, the F*** guy (i'm not scolding this guy F***, but refer to him as Mr F*** guy cos he always F*** on the bus) on 188, but all these seem too lousy. Tired lah, if really can't fish for sources, i will just throw dice and anyhow do,hehe

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Results of the lantern making

Remember my lantern-making story??? I made one lantern with my student (almost 95% done by me lah), well, results were out. She did not win, she told me got there were many nicer ones--This was the earlier part.
Until recently, she told me it was her teacher's fault, cos her teacher missed the deadline for sending the best lantern in, as such, she did not get a prize. HAHAHA, aiya, prize or no prize doesn;t matter lah, as long as we have put in our best efforts can liao lor. HAHA

It matters only if God forgives you

Wohoo... things went very smoothly today

1) got an A+ for SE 2218 group project. Bet Wouter and br are all smiles :))))) so thank God for blessing us with good grades.

2) History test went quite well lah, managed to finish all the readings and notes and able to answer most of the question. Thank God

3) Late submission issue was officially settled today.
Background of this issue: Well, I'm super ashamed of myself cos I have sinned. I told a lie (not totally a lie cos it did happen and on many occassion) in order to save the whole group which is not correct in God's eyes cos lying is akin to murder. I was filled with immense guilt and remorsefulness and started praying for forgiveness. The thing is God loves us so much that He will forgives us no matter what wrongs we have committed, as long as we prayed for forgiveness and repent and trust in Him solely, only then will He make our paths straight again. No doubt after I prayed for forgiveness, God forgave at that very moment(this is an undeniable fact, bible, which is God's words made it clear to us about this issue). I entrusted this matter into His good hand. God replied "Don't worry". So I went to tell my other 2 grp members "Hey, don't worry lah, cos my God just told me not to worry, so don't worry.He will settles for us" (all my grp members are non christians lah). Thus, went to clear up issue with professional today and true enough, the professor let us off!!!! I even told the professor the truth and explained, and he said okok. Thank God in jesus name, amen!!!

I know you all may start saying "but you lied, why does your God still helped you to solve your mistakes and even when the other grp members are non christian, and may even question the doubt of God speaking to me?"

Well, the truth speaks for itself. I know that if I told them this thing would be settled smoothly after our explanation to professor, and later explained it to my grp members cos my God said so, who would believe what rubbish I'm talking about???? I'm 100% sure non would!!!!! Even some of my friends and relatives laugh at the mention of what miracles my God would do!!! The reason why I chose to tell my grp members b4hand that this issue would be settled and none of us will suffer a cut in grade as my God says so, is because I wanted to prove to them very much and to others who always demanded a valid testimony as to what God can do. By telling them b4hand, shows that my God is real and really exist, and that He hears the prayes of all His believers and non believers and will help them as long as we (refering to both believers and non believers) put our trust in Him totally. This is the greatest testimony to non believers who doesn't believes that God speaks to us. Maybe some of you might still find it abit ridiculous, but I assured you, God always does the most unexpected and ridiculous things and you will be dumbstruck at His miracles. And I can proudly say that now 1 of my grp members (who's a non believer) asked me to pray for her CNM project. Praise God!!!

Let me end off this post with a story and analysis I read from daily bread sometime ago. I will briefly summarize the story lah......

There was this american murderer who mudered many many people and finally caught and put behind bars waiting to be hanged. It was only in jail that this very cold-blooded murderer accepted Christ and got saved. As such, we all know that when we accepted Christ, it means our old self (can be your sinful behaviour and habits or crimes you committed etc...) was "dead", we are a new creation in God now. From then onwards, this "murderer" (i put in inverted commas cos he's now a new man in God, and to avoid confusion, i just leave it as murderer lah) changed for the better. Alot of people were shocked at his goody behaviour and conduct and when the time's up for him to be hanged, many people, even pastors and churches appealed against his death sentence, saying that he should be given a new chance. But sadly, the High Court rejected the appeal and thus this man was hanged. But I want to say this, although I'm not God, but I'm very confident that this very cold-blooded murderer is in heaven right now, enjoying life with God :)))

In my case and this murder's case, both of us are christians, we trust God with our everything, but the outcome of our consequences are different. The most important point is this: It does not matters at all (not even a single bit) if the world will forgives you, but it does matters alot if God will forgives you. You know what the murder said when he was hanged?? He said It's ok, I'm at peace and happy. The very reason why he said this was because he have received the forgivess of the Almight and he knew that the Almighty will receive him when he's dead. In my case, I was prepared to get a zero, my only request and prayer to God was this: "God, I knew that I have sinned in your eyes, which makes me no difference from the murderer, but I also know that no matter what, YOU still loves me and will forgives me for my sins, YOU have never failed to do so, and will not fail me again. But I'm fully prepared to pay for the consequences, and I don't mind getting zero, but please help my grp members for they were in this mess cos of my carelessness. in jesus name, amen". Again, you all may think "wah, are you willing to get zero or just said it for fun or to get sympathy from God?? "
I assured you with a resounding "NO"!!! God knows very well if I'm lying and He's not easily swayed by our mere human opinions.

Moral of story:
We all know that we should all pay for the consequences for our sins. The reason why this murderer was dead cos he had to pay for his sins in this mortal world. Even if God has forgiven you, it doesn't mean you won't have to pay for your sins, it's just that you need not be bothered by this worldy issues and condemn yourself non stop. And if God has forgiven you, it means you are forgiven, no point blaming yourself for your own sins, you are not God, so don't say "Oh God , I know YOU have forgiven me, but I just can't stop feeling guilty", this is not right, God wants us to stop it. That's the reason why the murderer was in peace and happy, and also why I'm sure no matter what is the outcome, I don't have to worry, cos God will settles it for me nicely since He said so, and we should trust in him fully, no even a single doubt allowed.