Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Saturday, October 13, 2007


WAH!!! I was so scared just now!!! I was trying ways and means to remove the ugly tagbox from my blog, but somehow, i ended up deleted everything and my blog was a blank piece of paper just now!!! And my Chinese blog assignment was due today!!! Althoug I uploaded it yesterday night, but still, I am scared that cher might not see it yesterday, so I sent her an email just now. But thank God, everything back to normal within 10 mins. I was praying lah, and I tried calling zx for help, but she did not answer. Haiz, really thank God for saving me in the nick of time lah (no wonder God always says HE never fails us, even when others fail us, He will not), I just anyhow pressed here n there, click here n there, n tada!!! my blog is back to normal condition. whew!


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