Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

It matters only if God forgives you

Wohoo... things went very smoothly today

1) got an A+ for SE 2218 group project. Bet Wouter and br are all smiles :))))) so thank God for blessing us with good grades.

2) History test went quite well lah, managed to finish all the readings and notes and able to answer most of the question. Thank God

3) Late submission issue was officially settled today.
Background of this issue: Well, I'm super ashamed of myself cos I have sinned. I told a lie (not totally a lie cos it did happen and on many occassion) in order to save the whole group which is not correct in God's eyes cos lying is akin to murder. I was filled with immense guilt and remorsefulness and started praying for forgiveness. The thing is God loves us so much that He will forgives us no matter what wrongs we have committed, as long as we prayed for forgiveness and repent and trust in Him solely, only then will He make our paths straight again. No doubt after I prayed for forgiveness, God forgave at that very moment(this is an undeniable fact, bible, which is God's words made it clear to us about this issue). I entrusted this matter into His good hand. God replied "Don't worry". So I went to tell my other 2 grp members "Hey, don't worry lah, cos my God just told me not to worry, so don't worry.He will settles for us" (all my grp members are non christians lah). Thus, went to clear up issue with professional today and true enough, the professor let us off!!!! I even told the professor the truth and explained, and he said okok. Thank God in jesus name, amen!!!

I know you all may start saying "but you lied, why does your God still helped you to solve your mistakes and even when the other grp members are non christian, and may even question the doubt of God speaking to me?"

Well, the truth speaks for itself. I know that if I told them this thing would be settled smoothly after our explanation to professor, and later explained it to my grp members cos my God said so, who would believe what rubbish I'm talking about???? I'm 100% sure non would!!!!! Even some of my friends and relatives laugh at the mention of what miracles my God would do!!! The reason why I chose to tell my grp members b4hand that this issue would be settled and none of us will suffer a cut in grade as my God says so, is because I wanted to prove to them very much and to others who always demanded a valid testimony as to what God can do. By telling them b4hand, shows that my God is real and really exist, and that He hears the prayes of all His believers and non believers and will help them as long as we (refering to both believers and non believers) put our trust in Him totally. This is the greatest testimony to non believers who doesn't believes that God speaks to us. Maybe some of you might still find it abit ridiculous, but I assured you, God always does the most unexpected and ridiculous things and you will be dumbstruck at His miracles. And I can proudly say that now 1 of my grp members (who's a non believer) asked me to pray for her CNM project. Praise God!!!

Let me end off this post with a story and analysis I read from daily bread sometime ago. I will briefly summarize the story lah......

There was this american murderer who mudered many many people and finally caught and put behind bars waiting to be hanged. It was only in jail that this very cold-blooded murderer accepted Christ and got saved. As such, we all know that when we accepted Christ, it means our old self (can be your sinful behaviour and habits or crimes you committed etc...) was "dead", we are a new creation in God now. From then onwards, this "murderer" (i put in inverted commas cos he's now a new man in God, and to avoid confusion, i just leave it as murderer lah) changed for the better. Alot of people were shocked at his goody behaviour and conduct and when the time's up for him to be hanged, many people, even pastors and churches appealed against his death sentence, saying that he should be given a new chance. But sadly, the High Court rejected the appeal and thus this man was hanged. But I want to say this, although I'm not God, but I'm very confident that this very cold-blooded murderer is in heaven right now, enjoying life with God :)))

In my case and this murder's case, both of us are christians, we trust God with our everything, but the outcome of our consequences are different. The most important point is this: It does not matters at all (not even a single bit) if the world will forgives you, but it does matters alot if God will forgives you. You know what the murder said when he was hanged?? He said It's ok, I'm at peace and happy. The very reason why he said this was because he have received the forgivess of the Almight and he knew that the Almighty will receive him when he's dead. In my case, I was prepared to get a zero, my only request and prayer to God was this: "God, I knew that I have sinned in your eyes, which makes me no difference from the murderer, but I also know that no matter what, YOU still loves me and will forgives me for my sins, YOU have never failed to do so, and will not fail me again. But I'm fully prepared to pay for the consequences, and I don't mind getting zero, but please help my grp members for they were in this mess cos of my carelessness. in jesus name, amen". Again, you all may think "wah, are you willing to get zero or just said it for fun or to get sympathy from God?? "
I assured you with a resounding "NO"!!! God knows very well if I'm lying and He's not easily swayed by our mere human opinions.

Moral of story:
We all know that we should all pay for the consequences for our sins. The reason why this murderer was dead cos he had to pay for his sins in this mortal world. Even if God has forgiven you, it doesn't mean you won't have to pay for your sins, it's just that you need not be bothered by this worldy issues and condemn yourself non stop. And if God has forgiven you, it means you are forgiven, no point blaming yourself for your own sins, you are not God, so don't say "Oh God , I know YOU have forgiven me, but I just can't stop feeling guilty", this is not right, God wants us to stop it. That's the reason why the murderer was in peace and happy, and also why I'm sure no matter what is the outcome, I don't have to worry, cos God will settles it for me nicely since He said so, and we should trust in him fully, no even a single doubt allowed.


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