Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Friday, September 28, 2007

Don't worry, coming out soon, after.....

These are the only 3 words I heard from God today while I was having an operation (wisdom tooth operation).

I was given local anaesthesia, so it means I'm bascially wide awake throughout the whole operation process, only my left mouth, gum and lips were numb (3 different types of injections at one go)!!! Let me make this clear----I'm not afraid of pain, even when I was small. But since I worked in dental clinic b4, it means I have witnessed such kind of operation b4, so even b4 the dentist even proceed onto the next step, I already sort of knew what he was gonna do. Btw, this dentist was my dad's superior in the army!!!! My dad served in the medic department during his army days. And this dentist is a catholic, because I saw portrait of Jesus christ on the wall, and a catholic cross on the wall too!!! So, you see, even for an operation, I will be meeting God's people, although the otehr person may be a catholic, while I'm a christian.

But what he said shock me!!! He said my gums too thick and the wisdom tooth too deep deep deep deep deep inside (I had 2 wisdom tooth, but dentist refuses to extract 2 at the same time, because he said it's too deep and I might not be able to take it, mum said maybe dentist find me too skinny and so can't take the pain and might faint.HAHAHA). And he took such a long time to take the tooth out. He tried plucking it out after he sliced open my gum, but failed miserably due to thick gums and stubborn tooth!!!! So he tried drilling, and "chiselling", and this went on for quite some time. I started praying and singing songs to praise God, HIS reply was "Don't worry". I was starting to get restless and tired and scared (not cos of pain lah, but the waiting time is scary) cos the tooth just refuses to budge!!!!!

I was singing "God, you are my God", and at the same time, also began to ask God: "God, coming out or not!!!Haiz", and I started praying "Get out in jesus name, amen x5"!!!!! God replied "coming out soon, don't worry". I was "huh?" And God answered: "soon, after finish singing the song." I was so happy lah!!! Then i began to sing sing sing, and true enough, when I almost gonna sing finish,the tooth came out!!!!!!!! Glory be to God, amen!!!!

Haiz, another thing is, I have got a wedding to attend next sunday, and b4 that i prayed my cheeks will not swell (cos no one goes to a wedding as a "ugly duckling"), and God said "Don't worry", and guess what??? My cheeks did not even swell--not even a single bit!!!!! HAHAHA, praise God again!!! But my left lips swell, not due to medication nor was it side effect, but rather cos I'm sensitive to latex---dentist was wearing latex glove!!!! (My hand were covered in rashes when I used to work in dental clinic, but it never occured to me that it will be so serious lah--lips!!!). So dentist said for my next wisdom tooth operation, he will not wear the glove!!!! HAHAHA, gdgdgd!!! And my lips was pain lah, although dentist applied some cream to it, but the effect was too slow, so I started praying again. This time though God did not reply, the swell on my lips subside by almost half!!!! Thank God again!!!

So for this successful operation, I have to thank the dentist alot, cos he's too good!!! And of cos, most importantly my Dad who stood by the side to helped out (the nurse assistant is not so good lah--think she's nervous cos the dentist told her this is a real operation (mine case), and partly cos my dad (a used to be pro) was inside). But most most most importantly, have to thank my 1 and only lovely and gd gd GOD!!!!! Maybe you all may think this is just a minor operation, but to me, it maybe minor, but definitely most memorable one. Cos I have got 2 experts (dentist and dad) to help me out, and 1 Almighty (God) to make sure things run smoothly!!! And this operation lasted almost an hour as compared to an average wisdom tooth operation which takes about half hour or less, just to take out 1 single tooth!!!!---so isit still a minor operation?? And despite so, my cheeks remain per normal and everything was perfect--so this is not justa simple minor operation.

Oh, btw, i saw a fly on the tube which was used to suck my blood, and I was irritated and wanted to ask the nurse to change it. GOD immediately said "I'm the creator of all things on earth, I will make it clean for you, Don't worry"Actually despite so, I was quite worried, God spoke again "trust in me your Lord". 4 the 1st time, God spoke such a long sentence to me lor!And since He said it, so I just ok lor, and be obedient. You all may think it's so yucky and disgusting, but my God created them and He knows best how to deal with them and to make sure I don't have any problems, and true enough, I'm perfectly fine--much to fine that the workers in dad's office asked me, "are you sure you have been through the operation??? I suffered alot when I had my wisdom tooth operation done!!"

HAHAHA, I don't know what else to say, but this :"it is by the grace of my God that all things are made possible and that I am able to look perfectly fine, so glory be to God forever and ever. Amen"


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