Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Holy Holy Holy

Was listening to the song "Open the eyes of my heart ". And theses words, "Holy Holy Holy kept repeating over and over again. And it also happened that i was reading "My Daily Bread" and i saw these Holy Holy Holy story. The Lord was speaking to me again!! HAHA

Everytime i will sing Holy Holy Holy to God when I don't know how to sing some christian songs, so i just substitute those lyrics which I don't know with Holy Holy Holy. I thought God would be bored with my repeated Holy, but today God said no, through this "My Daily Bread".

Below are the text which I read today and which God answered me.

Holy, Holy, Holy

They do not rest day or night, saying: "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!" —Revelation 4:8

Time flies when you're having fun." This cliché has no basis in fact, but experience makes it seem true. When life is pleasant, time passes all too quickly. Give me a task that I enjoy, or a person whose company I love, and time seems irrelevant. My experience of this "reality" has given me a new understanding of the scene described in Revelation 4. In the past, when I considered the four living creatures seated around God's throne who keep repeating the same few words, I thought, What a boring existence! I don't think that anymore. I think about the scenes they have witnessed with their many eyes (v.8). I consider the view they have from their position around God's throne (v.6). I think of how amazed they are at God's wise and loving involvement with wayward earthlings. Then I think, What better response could there be? What else is there to say but, "Holy, holy, holy"?

Is it boring to say the same words over and over? Not when you're in the presence of the one you love. Not when you're doing exactly what you were designed to do.
Like the four creatures, we were designed to glorify God. Our lives will never be boring if we're focusing our attention on Him and fulfilling that purpose.

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee;
Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty!
God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!



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