Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Tired but blessed

Ever since school started, life's been so busy...... Did not really have sufficient rest and at times, I just feel like a walking zombie (行尸走肉)。But thank God for sustaining me and helping me throughout each day. My whole body has been aching ever since last Sunday due to my dance MTV mix class, and it worsen when I went for the Dance Blast audition. Luckily, God healed me and now I feel so comfortable, no longer pain here, pain there, pain everywhere. =)

Got 2 group projects due this coming week (thank God that every major details were settled). Now we just need to type them out and hand in the hardcopy for the CL2280 group project. The other group project needs to be presented in class. And both my group project mates are such nice people and it's fun to be with them. Oh, my SE2218 group mates are all Christian!!!!! One of them is from the Netherlands!!!! HaHaHa

God sure never fails to surround us with His people…..


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