Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Hi cher

One of the things that I hate most while doing relief teaching was scolding the class, especially the lower sec, and then have to worry if they will hate you for it. I remembered last year I punished a group of guys and I thought they would hate me to the core, but apparently, no. They even came up to me and said “cher, next time come to my class, ok?” “cher, I got keep quiet lor, next time don't punish me leh.” “cher, got games?” “cher, must come back ok.”

There was this particular student who said “cher, actually I never talk lor, but you punished me.” My reply was “Excuse me, you did lor!!! And you were talking so loud lor!!” And that student actually laughed and said “ok lah”. So I replied “Next time don't talk so loud, ok?” And he replied “ok cher."

Another student said “We noisy, you scold, is correct. Because we are in the wrong mah.” HAHAHA. These kids obviously know that they are in the wrong, yet they continued to behave in that manner, but I have got to say that they are also very cooperative. When you asked them to lower down the volume, they sure did!!!

All these times I thought things would turn out quite bad every time I scolded them, but thank God for His miraculous wonders once again. He never fails to deliver and answers all the prayers of his believers. There's a group of Christian students who are not those types of ‘you would consider guai guai type’, but they are actually a bunch of polite and sincere students. At times, I was wondering why are they behaving like this if they are Christians, but recently my Christian friend's blog provided me the answer---I (God) am the potter and you (believers of Christ) are the clay. So that's it, if God plan it in this way, we can't change it because we are the clay. So, a lesson learnt and doubt cleared.

Oh, and there is this special class that I would like to mention. I went to their class last year for a few times, and this year, I went back again in august. I asked them if they still remember me, and the whole class burst out and said “Of course lah. We know you. You are the cher who gave us chocolates.” This reply was enough to make me stayed happy for the rest for the day. And although I may not go to their class often, but the fact that these kids still remember you make you feel that this world is just so full of warmth and love.


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