Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


School has officially started last week, and I like the modules that I have taken this semester. However, it makes me think twice if I should really major in Chinese language!!! Tough lor!!!! And there are so many “fishing” to be done this semester.

I’m still “fishing” for materials to write my Chinese blog!!! Haiz, blogging in Chinese is never easy. Professor said we must use formal speech tone and writing style, (in case she does not understand what we are writing about.) and I love my CH2271 male professor, he is just so entertaining with his cute speech and lectures. (not that I like him, but I like him and respect him as my lecturer!!)

Lao gong and me have been “fishing” for reading materials as well. There are so many readings to be done and so limited books available to us. But I have got to say that NUS library is definitely one of the best library in Singapore, even one of the lecturers said that our NUS library is one of the best in the world. So we have to wait patiently for the “fish to eat our bait”.

The deck is officially opened last Monday and it is always full of students, as usual!!! As compared to last semester, when the Deck was under renovation, the whole arts faculty was so lifeless. Now, it is back to the normal bustling lively arts faculty. Students from the other faculties are flocking to our arts canteen and basically, mean we have to wait and wait and wait and wait patiently for out turn to “fish” for empty seats, and to wait for our turn to buy food. But all these “fishing” and waiting is worthwhile because the food is really super duper delicious!!! Yum yum, now you know why I put on so much weight and where the bulk of my pocket money went to lah. HaHaHa.

“Fishing” for project mates is also quite troublesome. Did not get my desired CH2271 tutorial slot, and thus, the project mates which I have agreed to group with, is now out of the question. L But never mind, Daddy God will help me arrange the necessary things. God gave me a team of great project mates last semester, and everything went smoothly, So i trust Him to help me out again. I saw one Christian fellow in my CL2280, basic translation lecture yesterday. He was wearing a black polo t-shirt with the words: “God loves us so much that He sent His one and only Son to die for us.” If can, I hope that we will be in the same group for project!!! (last year, all my project groups are all Chirstians (I did not go round and ask if you are a Christian, but rather, we were talking and suddenly, came to know that all of us are Christians)!!!—amazing isn’t it?)

So, can you see how much “fishing” needs to be done this semester? But I have got to agree that all this “fishing” actually helped to train my patience. Next time, shall have a taste of real fishing…….


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