Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Monday, August 13, 2007

The secret of maintaining my Hair

Recently I received many compliments regarding my hair and to a lesser extent, my skin. So let me say a big “Thank you” to all of you who have been praising me. HAHAHA

A lot of people have been asking me if I have been maintaining my hair, and going for expensive treatments and so on… My reply was “NOooo. I don't maintain my hair at all.” And then they will give me the 'are you sure' look, and said “Really???? That's unbelievable!!!” and I will go “Yes.Haha” and walk off without even glancing back. Not to say that I'm trying to act “dao”, but what's the point of explaining to those people who do not even believe in what you say??? The best formula is to just walk off with a laugh and let them stare at your back wondering what your secret is.

Ok, now for my secret. As I have mentioned above, I did not maintain my hair. All I merely did was to wash my hair with shampoo and then with conditioner and let it dry off itself. That's all, nothing else. The brand of the shampoo I'm using is Pantene--extra moisturizing, and I have been using it for years and this will continue to be my number one shampoo brand.

However, I have also told some of my friends that I did use egg white on my hair (apply at the tip of your hair). But that was years ago, because the hair stylist cut my hair with a “blade like” knife!!! And actually this is not good for the hair because it spoils the quality of the hair and the protein will leak out from your hair. (I do not know how it leaks out, I just heard it from others). True enough, my hair became quite rough and there were so many spilt ends!! So I quickly went home and apply egg white, but now I no longer do that because I requested for a no “blade-like” tool on my hair.

As for my skin, I did nothing except the occasional hydro bath and facial (facial once in every 3 or 6 months). I do not believe in putting on make up, or dressing super nice and pretty because I still think natural beauty is the best. To my students, I did not put on make-up, so stop asking me if I did or if I like make-up. My cousins and friends used to tease me that I have got red cheeks, and asked how I get them; I replied mischievously that you just need to pinch your cheeks hard!!! HAHAHA

Also, I have to give the credits to my Daddy God, for he looks after each and every one of us, from your appearance all the way inside. But let me stress that God does not encourage us to go after only good looks!!!! No!!! Although I did not pray for a pretty set of hair or whatever, but He sure do blesses me with a nice beautiful hair (I'm not trying to praise myself, but I just quote it from those who praised me). Let me give you a great example of how my God helped me. I was supposed to be the Chinese emcee for a wedding event. And because I hate make-up, and I do not know how to apply make-up, I told my co-emcee that I'm not putting any make-up. However,it is strange if the emcee doesn't put on make-up, and you have to stand under the spotlight!!! So I prayed and entrusted this problem to God, and guess what? Even without make-up, my face is still glowing slightly and remained a pinkish red and not pale (my face is quite naughty at time, when you want it to be red, it will turn pale, and when you want it to be pale, it will turn red!!). As compared to those who spent so much money on their looks and hair, trying so hard to maintain them, I need not spend a single cent (except buying shampoo and conditioner), and the effect is as good as the former or even better than the former. So, actually my secret is also akin to no secret at all. Hehe.

Final note: do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry for itself. Do not worry about what you gonna wear or eat or do, for your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all. Seek first his kingdom and all these will be provided for you. This is quoted from the bible, but I paraphrased it because I'm rushing off to lecture soon!!!


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