Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The crazy torturesssssss of Motion sickness

Ever since I came back from Taiwan, my motion sickness has been acting up so frequently. Although I have had it since I was young, and have always been mentally and physically preparing myself for the worse to happen if it does act up. But I just hate it!!!

Normally, I will start to feel giddy or headache which will be accompanied by the disgusting puking. Whether it is light giddiness or extreme painful headache, I have to vomit (even if I did not eat anything). And my motion sickness occurs without warning, and only happens when I’m not on “solid ground”, example, bus, mrt, car, boat, airplane and spinning while dancing. Whatever objects you can find moving, I can guarantee you that my motion sickness will surely acts up. I have heard that as you grow older, your motion sickness will gradually subside, but in my case, it seems to have worsen.

My motion sickness does not act up at night, it usually happens in the morning. And now, almost every time I came back from school, (the motion sickness is just like super glue, refusing to let go of me), I need to puke after I get down from 188. One of my friends said she has never see anyone like me experiencing such terrible motion sickness (She actually witnessed me vomiting and tearing once, and complaining headaches every time we went home from school). I finally get a taste of what is aversive food conditioning ( learnt this from Psychology last semester) when my motion sickness acts up.

And I really envy those who are able to read books on the moving vehicles, because I cannot. Every time I read, every time I vomit (I'm saying EVERY TIME), even if it's just reading for less than 30 seconds. And I have recently discovered that I cannot drink bubble tea on the bus, because I will vomit also. Haiz, I have to admit that my body constitution is really weak, despite the fact that doctors and Chinese physicians told me so, and my parents nagging at me non-stop. No wonder, wherever I go, I see those eat healthy and stay healthy signs, and those books that teach you how to eat right---God has been speaking to me and telling me to change my current eating habits and to eat those right foods. And God has recently cut down my food intake lor!!!! This is a good thing lah. HeHeHe

I guess I will have to continue a live full of tortures and haunting by illness and motion sickness. (Thank god my asthma has not return!!! And I wished that it will never return.) :p


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