Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Why are you so confident??

"Why are you so confident??" A question asked by one of my tuition kids today. My reply was this "It's because today die die must finish the lantern, since you need to hand in on monday. And because I have prayed to God before doing anything, so obviously He would bless us."

Well, actually I was helping my student to make her lantern for the upcoming lantern festival. We started on monday, and continued on wednesday, friday and saturday. The work progress was quite slow but we managed to finish it today (Thank God). I almost gave up because I was too tired (everyday's a busy schedule for me) and pissed off by the attitude of my student for the past 3 days. But I'm just not sure what made me stayed back and helped her throughout this whole lantern making process.

I can only think of 2 reasons:

1) I used to do D&T (Design and Technology) in secondary school , and enjoyed the whole process of making an artefact. You get a satisfaction feeling after seeing your completed work.

2) Since I gave her the ideas of how to make a lantern, I should stay on and helped her, like the chinese saying---要帮就帮到底。

And throughout this whole lantern making process, she (my student) made me felt weak but mightily sustained by God. She ignited the hunger in me for God constantly------I was about to go off on wednesday after tuition and helping her for about 4 hours plus, but she kept on begged me to stay and finish the drawing. She said "Stay with me leh, finish this lah, very fast one, awhile only. Stay leh stay leh, I can't do without you, you know. Without you, I cannot survive leh". All this while, her hand was closed together, as if she was praying to me to stay. HAHAHA. And when she said "I can't live without you", I was telling God, "It's you that I can't live without. I'm so tired, please sustain me." Immediately I felt energetic abit, and stayed on to help her finish her lantern.

But one bad thing--for the past 3 days, I was basically the one doing almost all the work lah!!!! She just sat beside me talking rubbish and watching TV. (Made me super mad!!!! Wonder why did i ever volunteer to help her and for FREE somemore lor!!!!) But today, she automatically helped out in doing most of the things (easy stuff. I was quite relunctant to let her do the other stuff for fear she might ruin everthing, she's just a small kid). And she accidentally cut her finger while helping me to remove the sticky tape from the scissor, and my response was "go and wash your finger now!!" After that. i just couldn't be bothered, cos i was busy making and doing so many things at one time. I have got to admit that it was cruel of me to remain unsympathetic towards her injury, so I started praying to God to heal her wound, and it did stop bleeding after awhile and I did not hear her saying "Pain Pain Pain".

Finally, everything was done!!! I was quite disappointed at the initial design of the lantern on wednesday. But today, everything was perfect---it may not be the most beautiful lantern or the most creative lantern, but it is definitely a "godly feeling" lantern. Because part of the design was an impromptu from God. Things wasn't going as smoothly as I have expected, and I thought it was a disaster after I unintentionally made one mistake--but it was a "blessed" mistake because at that point of time, I was pondering over what to do with the petals, and TADA, this mistake provided me with the idea of drawing "what you like". "将错就错" is sometimes really a blessing in disguise.

Faith is the basis of our relation with God,
Without which, everything will turn into a disaster.

"And if God is for me, who can be against me"

"If anything we want to boast, boast in the name of the Lord, for it was through Him, that all things can be done well. As long as you pray for anything (good prayer, not those selfish prayer)in Jesus's name, it will be done for you."-----that's why most Christian appear very confident in whatever they do.


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