Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Sabo by "crab"

Rules: Each player of the game starts off by writing 6 weird things about themselves before choosing another 6 of their friends to "sabo". People who get tagged need to write in a blog on their own, 6 weird things about themselves and state the rules clearly.--set by Sabo "crab"

This Sabo "crab" is none other than my childish lao gong lah, who do funny things only lor. But well, it's fun. Since i'm being sabo, so here's my weird weird stuff..

1) I can eat non stop all day (weight at 43kg in the morning) and my weight will goes back to
40kg at night.

2) I tend to feel tired very easily. But when i finished brushing my teeth and washing my face, preparing to retire to bed, I start to feel energetic all over again.

3) I love to exercise but i hate doing it under the hot sun.

4) Keep talking about losing weight, but instead keep eating non stop.

5) Don't cry even when I am in intense pain due to physical injuries.

6) Obeyed God by majoring in CL, but always telling people that I am gonna change my major. (in the end, God wins, die die have to stick to CL)

So now, i sabo...

1) Ting Yi

2) Ming Hui

3) Sin May

4, 5, 6) whoever is reading this blog, hehe


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