Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Monday, October 15, 2007

A touching love story that last for eternity....

山无棱,天地合,才敢与君绝---this is the verse that we will be hearing when we are watching 琼瑶's drama, eg 环珠格各。 The loving scene between the famale and male leads was just so touching that it will immediately bring tears to one's eyes. But, today I have just read a story from my daily bread again. A love that never fades, that never forsakes, that never grugdes, that never hates, a love that is so true, and awaiting so many of us, is just right at our doorstep. Perhaps, many of you may lament that there is no such thing as the love that I have just mentioned above. But, it does and truly exist!!! I refering to both God's love for us as well as the love between a couple. In this case, I tried to change the original verison of the chinese poetry verse, don't laugh ok-----即使是山无棱,天地合,绝不与君绝!!!Here's the story..... from

He Died For Me!
If He is the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him. —Matthew 27:42
William and Mary Tanner were crossing the railroad tracks when it happened. Mary's foot slipped and wedged itself between the rail and the wooden crosswalk. She tried frantically to pull her foot free as the sound of an approaching train was heard. There were but seconds left as the express came rushing toward her around a curve. Will Tanner pulled on her foot, desperately trying to free her.

As the train came closer and its whistle screamed and brakes shrieked, Will held her in his arms. While people shuddered in horror, the train thundered over them. One witness said that just before the engine hit them, he heard the brave man cry, "I'll stay with you, Mary!" That is great love!

This story reminds me of our Savior, who loved us with a love that can save us (John 3:16). Death came hurtling at Him as He hung on a cross and took the full penalty we deserved. He heard people cry out to Him to save Himself and come down from the cross (Matthew 27:40). But to save others He chose not to save Himself (v.42).

With divine, sacrificial love, Jesus refused to spare His own life. He died so that He could provide forgiveness of sins for us. Our Savior stayed on the cross—for you and for me! —Mart De HaanMart De Haan-->
Oh, can it be, upon a treeThe Savior died for me?My soul is thrilled, my heart is filled,To think He died for me! —Newton

Oh, can it be, upon a tree
The Savior died for me?
My soul is thrilled, my heart is filled,
To think He died for me! —Newton

Nails could not have kept Jesus on the cross if His love for us had not held Him there.


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