Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The price of not listenting to God's command :(

Sad sad sad. I have been skipping my dance lessons for 3 weeks lah. THe 1st and the 3rd time (which is today) were because I am super tired and lazy and I need to do my hw. The 2nd time was because of the wisdom tooth operation I had, so dentist advised me not to engaged in vigorous activites. Actually for the 1st and 3rd time, I did asked God if I should go, He said GO!!!. But hor, I was just too lazy and tired lah. I called the ppl over there and asked if they actually take into account my absence, they said yes and no replacement!! They said unless got an mc to prove lah, so I will go and get the mc 2molo, my dad said he will call the dentist and ask. I'm so sian now lor!! :((((( Anyway, I prayed liao, God said not to worry about it and also about the $ that had been wasted. Haiz, actually since the wisdom tooth operation, I can't really exert so much strenght even until now!!! My gum still hurts and it's super suan when I'm using force. Even when I just lift up my head from the bed, my gum hurts!!! ouch!!!

B4 that, I was laughing at my other Christian friend, whose name is also called Christian. He also ignored God's warning once. Christian wanted to go to this particular place to eat his breakfast, but the Holy Spirit was telling him to go elsewhere instead. Well, Christian did not heed the advice lah, so when he reached the place, it was closed!!! Thus, he wasted his time travelling there. Haiz, you see, we Chinese got one saying--don't laugh at others for the same thing will happen to you also!!! Sian, now come true liao lor.

Ok lah, next time must listen to God and not 一意孤行。一意孤行的结果是受到不必要的伤害或损失。So must be a 乖宝宝。 And now I also understand why God makes sure that all of us have parents, because they will be there for us no matter what happens and will fogive us no matter what happens. Parents are really a reflection of God relentless love and care for us--God says I will never leave you nor abandon you, I am always with you. I will be your Father and you will be my child (same for parents too). 血浓于水就是这个意思。My dad said he will settle the mc thing for me, haha. It is really a blessing to have our parents lah, as compared to oprhans, 我们实在是太幸福了. Daddy God, I thank you for blessing me with such wonderful and goody goody parents in Jesus name, Amen. :P


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