Shepherd of my Heart

Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Chicken wing Queen ++++ giant eater

Ate so many chicken wingssssss today!!! Normally, my MINIMUM amount is 10, now I think it is more than 10!!! My mother'ss chicken wing is so great and delicious and yummy and good!!!!! But today, her chicken wing was exceptionally yummy—(mum said she marinated it for 2 days)!!!! So I told her to marinate it for 2 days before cooking!! HaHaHa.

My family, friends, relatives all know me as one with super duper great appetite, cos I'm always eating non stop everyday, form morning till night---and I'm serious when I said non stop. I remembered on one occasion in NUS I ate Japanese food, and then straight after that, I ate another plate of fish and chips—all by myself, and lao gong was so shocked!!! You should have seen her expression. Those who just know me always get new surprises and shock from me and especially so when they saw me eating. And they will go: hey, where did all the food go to ar???? And I just smile and continue eating. And they will go eeeeee, so sinful (referring to those oily food, milk, cheese, ice cream)!!!! And I will say: aiya, eat first, later then lose weight lor---they will go: you no need to lose weight but I need lor!!! Thus, I will be the one end up eating myself. Haiz

So now almost everyone knows that I need to eat alot and will tell me to eat more eat more. HaHaHa.

But recently God has cut down on my diet lah!!!!! I did not eat so much like I used to, but my diet is still considered a lot in other people’s eyes. HeHeHe

Roaches Nightmare

Have you ever experienced been scared by 1,2,3 cockroaches at one go?? I did!! And I was on bus 188 with lao gong.

I was not really that scared when I saw just one cockroach beside me crawling on the bus window (but I did shift my weight over to lao gong's side). Then another one appeared, followed by another one!!!!! Yucks!!!! I wanted to use my thick notes to slam it, but was too afraid to do so (because there were so many cockroaches!!!) And lao gong was so bad and haiz, did not protect me at all lor!!! Lao gong kept on saying that it will fly and this made me wanna cry. So in the end, we decided to stand. (Another guy took my seat, but he did not appear to be afraid, but we caught him fidgeting at certain times.HeHe)

Hang on, the nightmare was still not over. Lao gong spotted another empty seats behind, (on the opposite side), and we sat down, soon after awhile, another cockroach appeared and lao gong was so scared (her reaction was erm, abit drastic lah)!! So we shifted seats again, this time we shifted right to the front. Although this time, there were no more yucky cockroaches, but the experienced was enough to scared the wits out of lao gong and me. And I wanna complained about my lao gong lor, it seems like I much more braver and calmer than her, and I had to protect her in the end!!!

Now, the sight of cockroaches irks me so much that I have been complaining non stop to God about it, but thank God the roaches did not disturb me furthermore or I will go crazy!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The crazy torturesssssss of Motion sickness

Ever since I came back from Taiwan, my motion sickness has been acting up so frequently. Although I have had it since I was young, and have always been mentally and physically preparing myself for the worse to happen if it does act up. But I just hate it!!!

Normally, I will start to feel giddy or headache which will be accompanied by the disgusting puking. Whether it is light giddiness or extreme painful headache, I have to vomit (even if I did not eat anything). And my motion sickness occurs without warning, and only happens when I’m not on “solid ground”, example, bus, mrt, car, boat, airplane and spinning while dancing. Whatever objects you can find moving, I can guarantee you that my motion sickness will surely acts up. I have heard that as you grow older, your motion sickness will gradually subside, but in my case, it seems to have worsen.

My motion sickness does not act up at night, it usually happens in the morning. And now, almost every time I came back from school, (the motion sickness is just like super glue, refusing to let go of me), I need to puke after I get down from 188. One of my friends said she has never see anyone like me experiencing such terrible motion sickness (She actually witnessed me vomiting and tearing once, and complaining headaches every time we went home from school). I finally get a taste of what is aversive food conditioning ( learnt this from Psychology last semester) when my motion sickness acts up.

And I really envy those who are able to read books on the moving vehicles, because I cannot. Every time I read, every time I vomit (I'm saying EVERY TIME), even if it's just reading for less than 30 seconds. And I have recently discovered that I cannot drink bubble tea on the bus, because I will vomit also. Haiz, I have to admit that my body constitution is really weak, despite the fact that doctors and Chinese physicians told me so, and my parents nagging at me non-stop. No wonder, wherever I go, I see those eat healthy and stay healthy signs, and those books that teach you how to eat right---God has been speaking to me and telling me to change my current eating habits and to eat those right foods. And God has recently cut down my food intake lor!!!! This is a good thing lah. HeHeHe

I guess I will have to continue a live full of tortures and haunting by illness and motion sickness. (Thank god my asthma has not return!!! And I wished that it will never return.) :p


School has officially started last week, and I like the modules that I have taken this semester. However, it makes me think twice if I should really major in Chinese language!!! Tough lor!!!! And there are so many “fishing” to be done this semester.

I’m still “fishing” for materials to write my Chinese blog!!! Haiz, blogging in Chinese is never easy. Professor said we must use formal speech tone and writing style, (in case she does not understand what we are writing about.) and I love my CH2271 male professor, he is just so entertaining with his cute speech and lectures. (not that I like him, but I like him and respect him as my lecturer!!)

Lao gong and me have been “fishing” for reading materials as well. There are so many readings to be done and so limited books available to us. But I have got to say that NUS library is definitely one of the best library in Singapore, even one of the lecturers said that our NUS library is one of the best in the world. So we have to wait patiently for the “fish to eat our bait”.

The deck is officially opened last Monday and it is always full of students, as usual!!! As compared to last semester, when the Deck was under renovation, the whole arts faculty was so lifeless. Now, it is back to the normal bustling lively arts faculty. Students from the other faculties are flocking to our arts canteen and basically, mean we have to wait and wait and wait and wait patiently for out turn to “fish” for empty seats, and to wait for our turn to buy food. But all these “fishing” and waiting is worthwhile because the food is really super duper delicious!!! Yum yum, now you know why I put on so much weight and where the bulk of my pocket money went to lah. HaHaHa.

“Fishing” for project mates is also quite troublesome. Did not get my desired CH2271 tutorial slot, and thus, the project mates which I have agreed to group with, is now out of the question. L But never mind, Daddy God will help me arrange the necessary things. God gave me a team of great project mates last semester, and everything went smoothly, So i trust Him to help me out again. I saw one Christian fellow in my CL2280, basic translation lecture yesterday. He was wearing a black polo t-shirt with the words: “God loves us so much that He sent His one and only Son to die for us.” If can, I hope that we will be in the same group for project!!! (last year, all my project groups are all Chirstians (I did not go round and ask if you are a Christian, but rather, we were talking and suddenly, came to know that all of us are Christians)!!!—amazing isn’t it?)

So, can you see how much “fishing” needs to be done this semester? But I have got to agree that all this “fishing” actually helped to train my patience. Next time, shall have a taste of real fishing…….

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

When You Believe-Prince Of Egypt

“When you believe” is definitely one of the most inspiring songs among all the other Christian songs. I love the part where the Hebrew children were praising the Lord.

Many nights we’ve prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know there’s much to fear
We were moving mountains long before we knew we could

There can be miracles when you believe
Though hope is frail
It’s hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe

In this time of fear
When prayer so often proved in vain
Hope seemed like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away
Yet now I’m standing here
With hearts so full I can’t explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I’d say

There can be miracles when you believe
Though hope is frail
It’s hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe

Hebrew children

A-shi-ra la-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah
(I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously)
A-shi-ra la-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah
(I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously)
Mi-cha-mo-cha-ba-elim adonai
(Who is like You, oh Lord, among the celestial)
Mi-ka-mo-cha ne-dar-ba-ko-desh
(Who is like You, majestic in holiness)
Na-chi-tah v’-chas-d’-cha am zu ga-al-ta
(in You love, You lead the people you redeemed)
Na-chi-tah v’-chas-d’-cha am zu ga-al-ta
(in You love, You lead the people you redeemed)
a-shi-ra, a-shi-ra, a-shi-ra
(I will sing, I will sing, I will sing)


There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It’s hard to kill
Who knows what miracles

You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
Now you will
You will when you believe

You will when you believe


One of my colleagues sent me this Christian songs and I fell in love with it!!! Wait, as in I can’t wait to sing this song for my God!!! And I have been trying to figure out the lyrics, thank God that br provided it in her blog, so I basically copy and paste. HAHAHA.


I see the King of Glory
Coming on the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes
The whole earth shakes

I see His love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing
The people sing

Hosanna in the highest

I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith

I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We’re on our knees
We’re on our knees

Hosanna in the highest

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdom’s cause
As I walk from earth into Eternity

Monday, August 13, 2007

The secret of maintaining my Hair

Recently I received many compliments regarding my hair and to a lesser extent, my skin. So let me say a big “Thank you” to all of you who have been praising me. HAHAHA

A lot of people have been asking me if I have been maintaining my hair, and going for expensive treatments and so on… My reply was “NOooo. I don't maintain my hair at all.” And then they will give me the 'are you sure' look, and said “Really???? That's unbelievable!!!” and I will go “Yes.Haha” and walk off without even glancing back. Not to say that I'm trying to act “dao”, but what's the point of explaining to those people who do not even believe in what you say??? The best formula is to just walk off with a laugh and let them stare at your back wondering what your secret is.

Ok, now for my secret. As I have mentioned above, I did not maintain my hair. All I merely did was to wash my hair with shampoo and then with conditioner and let it dry off itself. That's all, nothing else. The brand of the shampoo I'm using is Pantene--extra moisturizing, and I have been using it for years and this will continue to be my number one shampoo brand.

However, I have also told some of my friends that I did use egg white on my hair (apply at the tip of your hair). But that was years ago, because the hair stylist cut my hair with a “blade like” knife!!! And actually this is not good for the hair because it spoils the quality of the hair and the protein will leak out from your hair. (I do not know how it leaks out, I just heard it from others). True enough, my hair became quite rough and there were so many spilt ends!! So I quickly went home and apply egg white, but now I no longer do that because I requested for a no “blade-like” tool on my hair.

As for my skin, I did nothing except the occasional hydro bath and facial (facial once in every 3 or 6 months). I do not believe in putting on make up, or dressing super nice and pretty because I still think natural beauty is the best. To my students, I did not put on make-up, so stop asking me if I did or if I like make-up. My cousins and friends used to tease me that I have got red cheeks, and asked how I get them; I replied mischievously that you just need to pinch your cheeks hard!!! HAHAHA

Also, I have to give the credits to my Daddy God, for he looks after each and every one of us, from your appearance all the way inside. But let me stress that God does not encourage us to go after only good looks!!!! No!!! Although I did not pray for a pretty set of hair or whatever, but He sure do blesses me with a nice beautiful hair (I'm not trying to praise myself, but I just quote it from those who praised me). Let me give you a great example of how my God helped me. I was supposed to be the Chinese emcee for a wedding event. And because I hate make-up, and I do not know how to apply make-up, I told my co-emcee that I'm not putting any make-up. However,it is strange if the emcee doesn't put on make-up, and you have to stand under the spotlight!!! So I prayed and entrusted this problem to God, and guess what? Even without make-up, my face is still glowing slightly and remained a pinkish red and not pale (my face is quite naughty at time, when you want it to be red, it will turn pale, and when you want it to be pale, it will turn red!!). As compared to those who spent so much money on their looks and hair, trying so hard to maintain them, I need not spend a single cent (except buying shampoo and conditioner), and the effect is as good as the former or even better than the former. So, actually my secret is also akin to no secret at all. Hehe.

Final note: do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry for itself. Do not worry about what you gonna wear or eat or do, for your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all. Seek first his kingdom and all these will be provided for you. This is quoted from the bible, but I paraphrased it because I'm rushing off to lecture soon!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

There’s no God like mine

This is one of the Christian songs that I love most and find it so true and pure.

There is one thing that I know for sure
That you love me more than I could ever know
You change my life, so I give you my all
You're worthy, cos you lay down your life
There's no substitute for your love
And I will sing to you always

There's no God like mine
He rules the earth
Let all creations sing His praise
King of all Kings
Most Holy one
And I forever shout your name

There's no God like mine
There's no God like mine
There's no God like mine
There's no God like mine

Angels stand in Holy wonder
For you alone are the lamb that was slain
Generations will bow and worship
The One who is and is to come
The Holy One

Normally we will hear phrases like Jesus Christ was the lamb that was being sacrificed. And many people are actually wondering why is Jesus being referred to as a lamb? (I used to be one of those who don't understand this also).

To cut the long story short, basically, a lamb is considered a gentle animal that cannot defend itself when it is in danger. Neither will it struggles when you try to kill it. And when Jesus died for our sins on the cross, He did it willingly and without complaints. He did not struggle, neither did he prayed to God to save his life. Actually, He could have prayed to God to bypass all these sufferings, He could easily summoned the Angels of God to come to his rescue, He could chose not to die for us, but instead, He accepted the will of God and He alone carried all the sins of everyone in the world and died for our sins in order that we may be forgiven and purified through the Son of God, Jesus Christ. And thus Jesus Christ's gentle and non-struggling nature led to the use of phrases like “Jesus Christ w
as the lamb that was being slain.”

Hi cher

One of the things that I hate most while doing relief teaching was scolding the class, especially the lower sec, and then have to worry if they will hate you for it. I remembered last year I punished a group of guys and I thought they would hate me to the core, but apparently, no. They even came up to me and said “cher, next time come to my class, ok?” “cher, I got keep quiet lor, next time don't punish me leh.” “cher, got games?” “cher, must come back ok.”

There was this particular student who said “cher, actually I never talk lor, but you punished me.” My reply was “Excuse me, you did lor!!! And you were talking so loud lor!!” And that student actually laughed and said “ok lah”. So I replied “Next time don't talk so loud, ok?” And he replied “ok cher."

Another student said “We noisy, you scold, is correct. Because we are in the wrong mah.” HAHAHA. These kids obviously know that they are in the wrong, yet they continued to behave in that manner, but I have got to say that they are also very cooperative. When you asked them to lower down the volume, they sure did!!!

All these times I thought things would turn out quite bad every time I scolded them, but thank God for His miraculous wonders once again. He never fails to deliver and answers all the prayers of his believers. There's a group of Christian students who are not those types of ‘you would consider guai guai type’, but they are actually a bunch of polite and sincere students. At times, I was wondering why are they behaving like this if they are Christians, but recently my Christian friend's blog provided me the answer---I (God) am the potter and you (believers of Christ) are the clay. So that's it, if God plan it in this way, we can't change it because we are the clay. So, a lesson learnt and doubt cleared.

Oh, and there is this special class that I would like to mention. I went to their class last year for a few times, and this year, I went back again in august. I asked them if they still remember me, and the whole class burst out and said “Of course lah. We know you. You are the cher who gave us chocolates.” This reply was enough to make me stayed happy for the rest for the day. And although I may not go to their class often, but the fact that these kids still remember you make you feel that this world is just so full of warmth and love.

Are you Ms Yang or Ms Young?

Ever since I went for relief teaching last year, I have often come across questions like, “cher, are you Ms Y o u n g? cher, how to spell your name? cher, are you Ms Young or Ms Yang?” And I will be LOL inside my heart---HAHAHAHAHA!!! You should just take a look at the faces of those students!!!! They are so naïve, so cute and so funny that you just can't stop laughing. However, as a teacher, I have to put on a straight face and so I replied “I'm Ms Yang.”

I remembered on one occasion one of the lower sec guys said “Ms Yang is forever Young.” And the girls would go “Ms Yang is really Young.” Again, I was LOL to myself. Although I'm not sure if they meant what they said, but they definitely do brighten up my day.

Actually, I have never given such serious thought about the differences between Yang and Young (I'm not referring to the meaning though) until I did relief teaching. The constant mixed up of “Ms Young and Ms Yang” was so irritating that it immediately sparked off a red light in my head. I'm not trying to say that I'm being pissed off by the students for mixing up my surname, but I'm rather pissed off by the Young Yang, Yang Young pronunciations—(sounds like a tongue twister isn't it?)

But recently I have come to realize that both Young and Yang can be used interchangeably when we want to refer to someone with the surname of Yang (I'm referring to people with the Chinese surname Yang only). It is because in America, where Chinese is not the main language, those American Chinese have to substitute their Chinese surnames with a similar pronunciation English word. And thus, the closest pronunciation to Yang (Chinese surname) is Young (English word).

Therefore, case closed. And I have to apologize to those students who were being corrected by me for misinterpreting my surname. :P Next time, you can either call me Ms Yang or Ms Young. However, it would be better if you all know me as Ms Yang.

Reasons for starting this blog

First of all, I have to clarify that I am not an ardent fan of blogging. The fact that this blog exists is due to one of the modules that I'm taking this semester (Chinese for business and industry). And one of the professors actually taught me when I was in year 1, semester one. Hes such a nice and funny professor. Looking forward to attending his lectures again!!! J

Starting this blog was definitely a hassle, because I'm a computer idiot. But thank God for sending those wonderful colleague and friends to help me out with this blog. And it was He who provided me with the title of my blog---Shepherd of my Heart. (For non Christians, the Sheherd refers to Jesus Christ.) And since I'm stuck with this blog, I thought I might as well post something here, or post about how my God has helped me throughout all my life and in my walk with Him.

Although my blog may not be one of the most entertaining and classy blogs, but my intention was to finish the required assignment that I'm asked to do. I'm still in the midst of making a “proper blog”, so I apologize for the lousy setting and other things that you might dislike. Btw, if you happen to see me blog in Chinese, don't ask me why.