Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I miss them....:(((

My SEA tutorial group is so cute!!! And the 3 caucasians guys are super cute!!! Expecially my group mate : Wouter Stefan Drinkwaard!!! He's so cute, like ratatouille rat and stuart little!! HAHAA. But He's so handsome and so charming and so smart!!! Oh, and he's super tall!!! But br said he's not that handsome!! TAO REN YAN!!!

And I'm also gonna miss Morgan, aka Mr Moses!!! HAHA, I gave him this nickname cos of his hair!!! So curly and cute and haha, typical Moses!!!

And Jacob is the guy I will miss most and can't stop laughing!!! HAHA. Br and me called him Jacob niang!! He so 姑娘, and his actions made me laugh non stop!! He's more cute than wouter lah!!! HAHA

And I will miss my SEA lecturer and his monotone voice!! HAHA, br always fall alseep in his lectures!! "bad'" gal!!! He's good and patient but abit draggy and too responsible liao.

And I will also miss HY 2206 lecturer!! So cute and funny. He's a nice nice professor, br said he's a Mr nice guy!!! HAHA

And lao gong very funny, although she did not take CL 2280, she said she like my professor!! And she called him Mr Alien!!!! HAHA. Both lecturers are funny lah, very humourous.

And my CH 2271 professors!! Always give so many hw and tests, made me so scared!! But cute.

And all the various SA lecturers!!! I miss all the videos and jokes and story.

And of course, all my group mates whom I have encountered for projects and research papers.
SEA group mates: my cute cute and charming wouter, my "bad bad" lao gong-br and me!!!
SA group mates: the big big group, and the small small group which again included my lao gong and me, HEHE
HY 2206 group mates: Sun Shuang, Geraldine, Rou Fang and me!!! And I was the oldest over there!! Haiz
CH 2271 business group mates: De ming, Yun Dan, Xin Yi, me (our group got the 最佳默契奖,最佳演义奖--de ming :))),最佳经理人奖--me!! :))) ). And fiona and ming jie for the research paper.
CL2280 group mates: jia min, yuan lin, zhen li, tuan hee and me.


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